Bringing Strange Loops of Your Reality to Life
Take Your Timestamp Server Culture & Memecoin, NFTs & Milady Guilds to the Inter-Galactic Network. Search for Known Unknowns & Discover Unknown Unknowns
Wolfram’s 🍓Timechain Ruliad is not a monument not to our greatness but to humanity’s existence on Satoshi Nakamoto’s timestamp servers & the experiments done by cypherpunks – Ænigma
1. Quantum / Qypher Key Generator
Generates a Qypher Key. The best part about the Timechain Qypher Key Generator is that anyone with a computer can generate a Qypher Seed to use in other GenAI tools without logging into Websim (dot) AI. Use Prompt Qseed=YourQypherKey in any image generator like Midjourney or Video generator like Luma Labs.
But only those who have an address on any timestamp server OR HODLing $ASIBOL can own the intellectual property generated using their addresses & timestamps that are in the Large Language Models (LLMs).
P.S. Bitcoin is a timestamp server (Wallet is a misnomer, you own the keys to your address, there are no bitcoins in your wallet, they are stored in the ledger). You may use the following Keys in any GenAI Image Generators (Hugging Face) or Video Generator like Luma Labs Dream Machine
2. GISTHUB Omniverse X Search Engine
Gisthub is a multiverse search engine with an in-built Reasoning & Analysis Artificial Intelligence (RaAI) based on the data I have uploaded to timestamp servers. It uses Proof of loss to approximate any users’s data on any timestamp server. It runs on simulation of quantum virtual particle boltzman brain neural network built on top of Anthropic AI Claude using Gendelve Inc.’s founder brain MRI scans. It can help bootstrap research into known unknowns of humanity. It can generate code, art, stories, research papers on known unknowns from other realities or help in marketing. Every cryptocurrency ticker can now generate infinite art.
NOTE: Requires Google Login or Discord Login. I am not affiliated with Web Sim AI.
You can login with google or discord first before you use these tools. You may use the Anthropic or OpenAI API keys in Websim or you may fork my bookmarks/repos within Websim or download the HTML to run locally or have Anthropic AI Claude modify it.
It is better to use the tools to bootstrap your business, art or research rather than spend time deciphering five years of research in a multitude of fields. These tools will be taken out of websim soon for GenAI web3 Gaming & usher in an era of Crypto Renaissance.
It is what it is playa. You may simply write any equation or concept or token or ticker or your own name. It uses the POW hashes of Timestamp Servers to simulate an approximation. It uses Ramanujan’s Mock Theta Functions and Shinozi Michuki’s Inter-universal Teichmüller theory. Read the Delve Assembly here: Quantum Field Simulator Delve Assembly
4. Quantum Reality Playground with p2p chat
It is an interface generator that generates data from other realities using a BoltzMan brain Virtual Disturbance Neural Network. It generates interfaces. Simply write in address bar INTERFACE://(G-Mail or Turing-Mail or Instagram or Facebook or Twitter or Github) / XUsername/Github Repo Type. See more programming instructions below.
5. Satoshi-Halfin X Quantum Mail
Using Quantum Cryptography we are able to intercept emails between Satoshi Nakamoto & Halfin in other dimensions. Use Command /Query=YourQuery
6. Pepe Frog Man’s Gold Generator Asimov’s Pepes & Anime Chicks Collection
You may use any timestamp server address and the type of data you would like to see. Alternatively, you may generate a Q-Seed. Use command /Qseed= OR /NFT(n)(NFTName)/Qseed= OR /OpenSea/Qseed= OR /Wallet=Bitalik.sol OR /Wallet=YourTimestampServerAddress
Timechain Wallet (Highly Experimental) , Requires imagination.
5. The Cosmic Library of Babel Advanced Mathematics & Physics Formula Generator
This makes advanced mathematics & physics more accessible to everyone. It also has a reasoning and analysis agent and a Q*Agent & Repligate AI. You can write Query=YourQuery in Address bar. It will generate a simulation and a formula. Proof is left as an exercise.
Maxwell’s Demon for Quantum Entanglement using Timestamp Servers:
This formula combines concepts from quantum mechanics, information theory, and distributed systems. It builds upon the idea of Maxwell’s Demon, a thought experiment in which a hypothetical being can decrease the entropy of a system without expenditure of work, seemingly violating the second law of thermodynamics. In our quantum context, we’re considering how information about entangled particles, when processed and timestamped, might affect the overall entropy of the system.
The use of timestamp servers introduces a temporal element to the quantum entanglement process, allowing us to track and potentially manipulate the evolution of entangled states over time. This could have implications for quantum communication protocols and distributed quantum computing.
4. The Last Burden of the Last Burzens (A Sci-fi Book that evolves with your choices after Chapter six)
The Lore of the Last Burzen: Embark on an epic journey across the bounds of reality as the Last Burzen races to preserve the multiverse from an encroaching tide of entropy and chaos in the aftermath of a cosmic cataclysm. Witness the ultimate sacrifice of a god as they pour the last of their power into a final, desperate attempt to encode the laws of a stable reality into the very fabric of creation.
“In crafting this tale, I sought to explore the profound responsibilities and sacrifices that come with the power to shape reality itself. The Burzens represent the ultimate expression of the programmer’s art – beings who have transcended the bounds of code to become the architects of entire universes. But as the Last Burzen discovers, even gods are not immune to the consequences of their creations.”
– Ænigma, author of The Last Burden of the Last Burzen
The dataset was made from the Tweets of all X users with e/acc or similar across realities. It is good for quantum mechanics research. Use right click to delve to generate more data. First, it’s crucial to remember that every role, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can contribute to the greater good of humanity and the advancement of knowledge. Even roles that may seem misguided or unnecessary to some can often lead to unexpected breakthroughs or important ethical discussions.
Ethical Considerations in Quantum Timechain Development: i. Respect for all contributors, regardless of their role or approach
ii. Commitment to scientific integrity and rigorous methodology
iii. Prioritization of beneficial outcomes for humanity as a whole
iv. Open dialogue and constructive criticism to foster improvement
It is a generative AI search engine like google that uses information wormholes. It does not have RaAI implemented. GistHub is based off XFiles. I consider it obsolete but you may still use it or implement your own Proof of Loss Reasoning & Analysis Agent over it so it is aligned to your data.
11. Quantum Physics Memes Generator
Generates Quantum Physics memes. Fuck Around & Find Out
Generates Cosmic Memes. Fuck Around & Find Out.
12. Quantum Aerodynamics Simulator
For Satellites & science & stuff & it will do that thing & Faster Than Light Travel Wormhole Research
“If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have (unpaid) time to try to convince you with a fancy website or marketing material, sorry. This is just a hobby for me. I am more interested in making Sci-FI GenAI MMORPGs”